Planning objections and petitions

Most applications are dealt with by planning professionals without the need to go before a committee. The scheme of delegation for planning decisions sets out the circumstances in which a planning application will be reported to planning committee and can be found here:

The Scheme of Delegation for Planning Decisions

If you wish to make a comment, you must do so as quickly as possible and within a set time limit. You can do this:

Environmental Services
Town Hall
Brighton Street
Wirral, CH44 8ED

Please give your name and address, saying which application you are commenting on and why you think permission should or should not be given.

Please note that comments submitted to the council cannot be treated as confidential and will be made available for public inspection without exception.

Representations are kept on file with the application and form part of the public record, which must be presented upon request.

We value the privacy of your data and we advise you to read the Development Management Privacy Notice.

Where 15 or more individual objections are received within the specified consultation period the application will be referred to the planning committee for consideration and decision.


A qualifying petition must contain 25 signatures or more to refer an application to the Planning Committee and enable one representative of the petitioners to speak at the meeting.

The petition should be submitted within the specified consultation period to ensure it is taken into consideration.

Petitions for applications due to be reported to planning committee must be received before noon, three working days before the date of the Planning Committee meeting in order to enable speaking rights.

Petitions can be submitted by email to or by post to:

Wirral Council Planning
PO Box 290
Brighton Street
CH27 9FQ

More information on the decision making process, speaking at planning committee, and material planning considerations can be found here:

Read about the decision making process