Unitary Development Plan Proposals Map

The mapping tool shows how land is designated for different types of land use in the borough.

View a full screen version of this map

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence Number: 100019803

Zoom in and out

To zoom in or out use the left mouse button to click on + and - buttons on the left of the screen. On a touchscreen you can zoom in or out by pinching the map.


You can use layers on the map to view particular information on the map such as the UDP. To switch layers on or off, click on 'Key and layer' in the top-left and select the layers you want to see. You can have all layers on together or individually.

Note: UDP 2000 layer will not be displayed below 10,000 metres.

Information window

The information window will appear when you click on a layer feature on the map. This will display the type of feature. Depending on the active layer or layers, a hyperlink will take you to textual information about that feature. To close the information window, click the white cross in the top right hand corner of the window.


When interpreting the policy maps, please refer to the Written Statement of the Unitary Development Plan for Wirral; the Joint Waste Local Plan for Merseyside and Halton; and the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2016.