Allotment discount scheme

From 1 April 2024, more people are eligible for the allotment discount scheme. It now includes people who receive certain benefits. The discount level has been reduced from 50% to 45%.

The discounted allotment fees for 2024 to 2025 are:

  • £66 per year for a full allotment plot
  • £33 per year for a half allotment plot

The table below shows the groups that qualify for the allotment discount scheme. For all discounts, except the over 60 discount, you will need to provide proof of eligibility every year. The discount will only be applied from the date it was requested.

Proof that you live in Wirral is also required, if it is not included in your benefit letters. This is something that shows your address, such as a utility bill or bank statement.

Groups who can get a discount Proof required
Aged over 60  Passport or driving licence or birth certificate (once accepted the applicant does not need to re-apply each year)
Income Support or Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Department of Work and Pensions letter stating current benefit
Income-based or Contribution-based Job Seekers Allowance Department of Work and Pensions letter stating current benefit
Council Tax Benefit (Single occupancy discount is not a benefit) Council notification of benefit entitlement
Housing Benefit Council notification of benefit entitlement
Incapacity Benefit (long term rate) or Contributory Employment and Support Allowance Department of Work and Pensions letter stating current benefit
Working Tax Credit Inland Revenue Tax credit award letter or NHS Tax Credit Exemption Certificate
Child Tax Credit - but those not entitled to Working Tax Credit and whose annual total family income (assessed by the Inland Revenue) does not exceed £16,040 Inland Revenue Tax credit award letter
Carers Allowance Department for Work and Pensions letter (within the last month) or a bank statement

How to apply for an allotment discount

To apply for a discount send photocopies, scans or photos of your evidence documents. Please do not send original documents. Copies of evidence documents must be clearly readable. Please state which discount you are entitled to.

You can email or post the evidence to: