Safer Streets

​Safer Streets 2 - Central Birkenhead and Seacombe

Safer Streets 2 Project is a crime reduction programme in Central Birkenhead and Seacombe which will be delivered between July 2021 and March 2022.

The project is funded by the Home Office and will invest over £400K into the Safer Streets 2 area. The project is led by Wirral Council, in partnership with Merseyside Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner.

The Safer Streets 2 Project aims to deliver a reduction in burglary by 5%, leading to 6 less burglaries per annum, with diffused benefits of reductions in anti-social behaviour, fires, drug dealing, drug-related crime, fly tipping and dog fouling. 

The project aims to provide:

  • installation of approximately 30 new alleygates                                    
  • installation of approximately 150 light heads
  • marketing campaigns              
  • approximately 12 Action Days and Cleansing Days   
  • clearing ‘grot spots’
  • Seven CCTV upgrades                                                                 
  • 12 CCTV installations

  • View map of Safer Streets 2 boundary (PDF, 2MB)

Alleygate PSPO Consultation August 2021

Safer Streets 2 Proposed Alleygates Consultation was completed on 20 August 2021, in the areas outlined in the plans below (PDF maps).

We have collated data evidencing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), acquisitive crime, arson, dog fouling, drug taking and flytipping etc. The information from the consultation will help us obtain a Public Safety Protection Order, which will enable the installation of alleygates at the proposed locations.

The PDF file below may not be suitable to view for people with disabilities, users of assistive technology or mobile phone devices.

The PSPO came into effect on 27 October 2021 which will enable the alleygates to be installed in the proposed areas and any residents can appeal within the 6 weeks (until 17 December) to

We will be doing a series of clean ups and action days in the autumn, before the gates are installed, and we will be in discussion with residents and partners about priority locations and dates.

CCTV upgrades and installation

Safer Streets 2 will fund installation of 12 new CCTV installations and the upgrade of 4 existing installations to digital transmission. These works are designed to complement the completed installations funded by Safer Streets 1 and Birkenhead Town Deal Accelerated Grant and targeted at:

  • hot spot areas for crime or anti-social behaviour
  • key travel routes into or out of Safer Streets area
  • regeneration areas

A Safer Streets 2 CCTV survey has taken place and was completed on 20 August 2021 below:

North Birkenhead Safer Streets 1

The Safer Streets Project 1 was a crime reduction programme in North Birkenhead between October 2020 and March 2021.

The project was led by Wirral Council, in partnership with Merseyside Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner and North Birkenhead Development Trust.

Funding of £550,000 from the Home Office, £150,000 from Wirral Council, and £22,000 from Magenta Living funded programmes working with local people to help decide how and where crime reduction projects should best be placed.

The Safer Streets 1 Project has delivered:

Home Security

There are many simple but effective measures that you can  to keep your house secure, here are a few items of guidance from Merseyside Police: