Minority Ethnic Achievement Service

The Minority Ethnic Achievement Service staff work throughout Wirral and aim to:

  • raise achievement
  • remove language barriers
  • provide access to the curriculum
  • raise self-esteem
  • encourage social integration

The MEAS staff:

  • assess children learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) from Foundation Stage to Year 13
  • act as consultants in helping to meet the needs of minority ethnic children and families
  • support the admission of new arrivals - including refugee, Gypsy Roma and Traveller pupils
  • give advice on promoting a greater understanding of diversity and race equality in schools

MEAS staff provide training in:

  • EAL
  • Race Equality and Spirituality
  • Morality
  • Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)

How to access this service

Access is via a referral from your child’s school or setting. However, if you do require further information about the services we provide, please contact: meas@wirral.gov.uk