Animal movement

A licence is required to keep the following animals:

  • Cattle
  • Sheep and goats
  • Pigs

You must apply to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for a holding number.

When a holding number is issued, the movement of animals is permitted but must be carried out in accordance with general licence conditions and the relevant laws and regulations.

Additional forms are required for the movement of:

  • Deer, sheep and goats - AML1 form
  •  Pigs - AML2 form

More information on animal movement.

If you require further advice, contact Environmental Health on 0151 606 2430.


No charge


Download forms from the DEFRA website to apply.

One copy of the application to be retained by the owner of the animals and two copies to the person buying the animals, one of which should be forwarded to the Local Authority.

Processing and timescales

Once your application has been received with the correct fee, we will aim to visit your premises with a local vet within 14 days.


Animal Welfare Act 2006