Review of a premises licence or club premises certificate

A responsible authority, or any other person, can apply to review a premises licence or club premises certificate if the premises are undermining one or more of the following licensing objectives:

  • prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • prevention of public nuisance
  • protection of children from harm

Any other person for the purposes of the Licensing Act 2003 can be any individual, body or business entitled to make representations to licensing authorities in relation to applications for the grant, variation, minor variation or review of premises licences and club premises certificates, regardless of their geographic proximity to the premises.


A copy of the application, together with any supporting documents, should be sent to 

A copy of the application, together with any supporting documents, should also be sent to licence/certificate holder and each of the Responsible Authorities.

Processing and timescales

Where an application for review is made, a public notice will be displayed at or near the site by the Licensing Authority and on the council’s website for 28 days, starting on the day after the application was received. During this time any Responsible Authority and any other person can make a representation in respect of the application.

After the 28 day consultation period has ended, the application will be determined by the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee within 20 working days.

The committee may:

  • modify the conditions of the licence
  • exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence
  • remove the Designated Premises Supervisor
  • suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months
  • revoke the licence

It may be decided that no action is required.

Legislation and guidance

Licensing Act 2003

Revised guidance issued under section 182 of Licensing Act 2003

Statement of Licensing Policy


A decision of the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee may be appealed to a Magistrates' Court within 21 days of the decision.