Pay an annual fee for a premises licence or a club premises certificate

The annual fee for your premises licence or club premises certificate is payable 12 months from the date your licence was granted and on the same date every year thereafter.


View a list of fees.

Fees are based on the non-domestic rateable value of your premises.

Pay your annual fee

Pay your annual fee for a premises licence

Pay your annual fee for a club premises certificate

If you fail to pay your annual fee on or before the required date, the Licensing Authority must suspend your premises licence or club premises certificate. You will not be able to carry out any licensable activities until the fee is paid.

Although a reminder letter will be sent to you, ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure you make the payment.

It is a criminal offence to carry out or attempt to carry out licensable activities whilst a licence or certificate is suspended. It is also an offence to knowingly allow licensable activities to be so carried on whilst a licence or certificate is suspended.