Learning safely online

Online learning at home: these guidelines will help you get the most out of your online class and stay safe whilst online.

Right time, right place: get ready for your class

Book this time for your class

  • Remember, this is a learning session, to get the most out of it you need to commit to this time, concentrate, and be able to talk with your tutor and follow instructions.
  • Limit interruptions from other members of your household so you can enjoy and fully take part in the session.

Tell anyone else you live with that you are in a meeting

  • This will help you to stay focused and will stop unwanted interruptions.
  • Discuss any concerns with your tutor at the start of the session, for example, if you have young children you are looking after.

Use a chair, get ready

  • It’s the same as if you are in a classroom, you will need a comfortable chair and a table to work out.
  • Please don’t wander around the house trying to do other jobs/tasks – you won’t be able to focus, and it is off putting for other learners.

Think about your camera placement

  • Place your phone, laptop, PC or tablet up and looking slightly down on your face if possible this will give the best picture for your tutor.
  • Make sure that no other family members are in view.

Don’t forget people are looking into your house

Remember, it’s still a classroom

  • Make sure you are fully dressed, wearing appropriate clothing and are comfortable and ready to learn.

Think about what’s happening during the class

Switch your camera on when you enter the class

  • This is so that we can see who is attending.

‘Mute’ your microphone

  • Your tutor will discuss this with you in the first session. This stops background noise being picked up which can put other people off.
  • Inform the tutor on ‘Chat’ if you need to ‘dip out’.

Manage interruptions from people or pets

  • Remember you may be at home but in an online meeting you are in a public place.
  • If you are interrupted, please do not SHOUT or get angry.
  • Your tutor and other learners can see and hear everything you do.

Treat all others in the meeting respectfully

  • Always speak and behave with respect for others 
  • Don’t interrupt or talk over the tutor or other learners – use the ‘Raise hand’ icon when you want to speak
  • Be friendly and have regard for each other
  • Follow the class rules your tutor sets
  • Always discuss any concerns with your tutor

Recording sessions

  • Your tutor will ask your permission if the session is to be recorded, only the tutor is allowed to record the session.
  • Do not use screen grabs, screen shots of online content including participants screens, pictures, information.

Please do not eat whilst you are online

  • Just as you would not eat in a face-to-face class, as it’s off putting for others.

At the end of your class

Your tutor will review what you have learned and answer questions.

  • Leave the meeting when your tutor has closed the class.
  • Close or switch off your camera if you are continuing to use your device.
  • If you have any concerns about the safety of your learning or want to report something, you can contact your tutor, or a Designated Safeguarding Officer.

Designated Safeguarding Officers

Felix Chen

Email: felixchen@wirral.gov.uk

Mobile: 07824 866496

Fiona Bell

Email: fionabell@wirral.gov.uk

Mobile: 07799 415 759

Online safety

Watch a short 6 minute video about online safety: ‘Digital Literacy Staying Safe Online’

Easy Read guidance for the following documents are available by contacting lifelonglearning@wirral.gov.uk:

  • Setting up secure online profiles
  • Keeping e-mails safe
  • Using a webcam
  • Staying safe online and in real life

If you have any problems connecting to your session or have a general query, please call 0151 666 3330 and our admin team will help you.

Our online sessions have been very successful, we hope you enjoy your session.