Planning application forms and checklists

If you cannot apply online you can download and print paper forms from the government’s planning website. The site will guide you to the form you need.

Forms for some consent types are not available to submit through the online system or download from the above paper form chooser. These can be found at the Planning Portal.

One of the notices below is to be printed and served on individuals if Certificate B or C is completed:

To ensure your application is fully complete please download the relevant checklist below.

Development Management Validation checklist March 2024

Our approach to planning validation

Our approach to the validation of planning applications is to support a straightforward determination process for applicants. It is also designed to provide proportionate information to consultees and those with an interest in the outcome of a planning application. In this we will only ask for information that is necessary and relevant to support each proposal

National Validation standards and guidelines

The information provided in this document draws on the principles of best practice and up-to-date government guidance in order to deliver a more responsive approach to planning validation. It sets out the requirements applicants need to submit to allow the planning service to provide a quicker, more consistent and efficient planning service. These guidelines will help to ensure that applications are 'fit for purpose' and minimise requests for the submission of additional information at a later stage.

National and Local List requirements

To make a valid planning application there are statutory and local information requirements which apply to each application type. These are commonly known as National and Local List requirements. The National list applies to all planning applications in England. The Local List requirements are set by the local planning authority having regard to local policies or constraints and are relied upon for a successful determination.

Validation Checklist

When we receive your application, it will be assessed against the requirements below and for the accuracy of the information supplied.

It will not be registered as valid if the relevant information is missing.

Please read the guidance notes and follow them. You can also submit your application electronically using the Planning Portal  

The following list is not necessarily exhaustive and other points may be identified when your application is received. The information required for submission will depend on what is being applied for, and you may need to check which of the following are applicable for a particular type of development.

Pre-Application discussions

Following the publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework the Local Planning Authority is keen to promote early engagement with applicants, developers and their representative agents. Early collaborative discussions can result in improved outcomes and reduce unnecessary delays and costs at application stage.

Guidance given by council officers is expected to be taken into account and reflected in your submission to the Planning Authority. Where it is evident that pre application advice has not been sought or taken into account in a subsequent planning application, the council may not be able to negotiate on a scheme and applications are likely to be determined as submitted.

Advice given at pre-application stage will be based on the case officer’s professional judgment and assessment of the information provided. Pre application advice, whether favourable or not, is given on a ‘without prejudice’ basis since the council must, on submission of a planning application, follow the statutory procedures and formal consultation and assess the outcomes before a decision can be made. Whilst advice can be given in good faith, we cannot guarantee that a subsequent planning application will be successful. Nevertheless, pre application advice is an extremely important part of the planning process.

View details of the council’s pre-application service

Electronic copies

Electronic copies of the plans and the supporting documents are requested. Submissions can be made online via the Planning Portal. The submitted plans must be correctly labelled, for example, proposed front elevation, existing front elevation and so on.

Validation requirements

The application fee and some of the information required when an application is submitted are national requirements set by the government. In addition, the government allows for the Local Authority to require applicants to provide additional information in the interests of good and efficient decision-making and having regard to local circumstances.

The government recommends that Local Planning Authorities specify the scope of information necessary for different types of application. This is the purpose of this checklist.

National Validation Requirements

Application Form

The relevant planning application form. The form should:

  • accurately and fully describe the proposed development
  • answer all relevant questions accurately
  • be signed and dated

Ownership Certificate

A completed, signed and dated Ownership Certificate A, B, C or D shall be submitted as set out under Section 65(5) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, and Section 14 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). The ownership certificate states the ownership of the whole of the application site, including land which gives access to the site from the public highway or where development abuts, crosses or simply overhangs the boundary with the adjoining land or property. For this purpose an owner is “anyone with a freehold interest or leasehold interest, the unexpired term of which is not less than 7 years”.


The application should include the correct fee where necessary. The correct fee can be determined using the online fee calculator via the Planning Portal and can be subject to change.

Location plan

The location plan should be:

  • based on an up-to-date map
  • scale 1:1250 or 1:2500 and scaled to A4 or A3
  • clearly titled with a unique reference number
  • include at least two named roads wherever possible and surrounding buildings and properties
  • edge the development site clearly in a solid red line. This should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development (for example, land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings)
  • a blue line around any other land owned by the applicant, close to or adjoining the site

Site plan

The site plan should be:

  • scale 1:500 or 1:200
  • show the direction of North
  • include a scale bar
  • include measurements of proposed extensions, distance to boundaries etc.

And the following unless these would not influence or be affected by the proposed development:

  • all the buildings, roads and footpaths on land adjoining the site including access arrangements
  • all public rights of way crossing or adjoining the site
  • the position of all trees on the site and those on adjacent land
  • the extent and type of any hard surfacing
  • boundary treatment including walls or fencing where this is proposed.

Other plans

In addition to the site and location plans, other plans should be submitted to explain the proposal in detail. These shall include:


Elevations should show how the proposed development relates to what is already there and label all sides of the development. Where a proposed elevation adjoins another building or is within close proximity, the drawings should indicate the relationship between the buildings and detail openings on each property:

  • existing elevations scale 1:50 or 1:100
  • proposed elevations scale 1:50 or 1:100

Floor Plans

Floor plans should be clearly labelled:

  • existing floor plans scale 1:50 or 1:100
  • proposed floor plans scale 1:50 or 1:100


Where a proposal involves a change in ground levels or is on a sloping site:

  • existing cross-sections through the proposed building or site scale 1:50, 1:100 or 1:200
  • proposed cross-sections through the proposed building or site scale 1:50, 1:100 or 1:200

Roof plan

A roof plan is used to show the shape of the roof and is typically drawn at a scale smaller that the scale used for floor plans. Details such as roofing materials, vents and their location are typically specified on a roof plan.

Landscaping plan

Where a development involves changes to land contours, soils, substrates, waterbodies, vegetation and/or landscape features then a proposed landscaping and restoration concept is expected to be depicted on one or more plans.

Supporting documents

In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), if your application constitutes major development please read the guidance note below and complete the SuDS pro forma:

For development which affects a Grade I, Grade II* or Grade II listed building, or the Borough's designated Conservation Areas (including their setting), please defer to the guidelines on Heritage Statements below:

For Prior Notification Procedure (telecommunications) please email

We value the privacy of your data and advise you to read the Development Management Privacy Notice before applying for planning permission.