A Local Plan sets out the vision for future development in the borough. Every area in England and Wales should have an up-to-date Local Plan in place and review it at least every five years.
The council is currently preparing the new Local Plan for Wirral which will set out how the borough should be developed over the next 15 years, in line with national policy and legislation.
Local Plans are used to help decide on planning applications and other planning related decisions. In effect, they are the local guide to what can be built where, shaping infrastructure investments and determining the future pattern of development in the borough.
How the Local Plan is prepared
1. Gather evidence
The council conducts a range of detailed studies and considers everything a Local Plan needs, like how many new homes and jobs are needed and what supporting infrastructure is required.
2. Consider options
The council considers the ways our future development needs could be met and outlines a preferred option.
3. Consultation (Regulation 18)
The options are presented to the public for consultation. Residents are invited to comment on the options and attend drop in sessions to discuss the plans with council officers.
4. Review comments
The council reviews comments made during the public consultation and after careful consideration, publishes a draft Local Plan.
5. Representation (Regulation 19)
The draft Local Plan is published for representations to be submitted on it's 'soundness'.
6. Examination in public
The Secretary of State appoints an Independent Planning Inspector to examine the draft Local Plan in great detail. Public hearing sessions are held during this stage.
7. Adopt the Local Plan
The Planning Inspector’s final report recommends whether the council can adopt the plan. Once adopted, the Local Plan will be used to make decisions on all planning applications.
Get Involved
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