Mayer Park, Bebington

Mayer Park in Wirral

Opening hours

Open 24 hours a day, all year round.

Facilities and things to do

  • children’s play area
  • former rose garden
  • box hedge feature known as the’ knott garden’
  • seating, including memorial seating
  • nature area (former allotment site)
  • historic features
  • toilets at nearby Civic Centre
  • Green Flag Awarded park

Read about the natural heritage at Mayer Park


The Friends of Mayer Park work in partnership with Wirral Council to maintain and improve the park.

Find out more about the Friends of Mayer Park on their Facebook page

Accessibility for people with disabilities

  • entrances on Parkside Road, Ellens Lane and The Village
  • bus stop at main entrance on Church Road and nearby stations at Bebington and Port Sunlight
  • on-street parking on Ellens Lane and Civic Way and nearby car park behind Church Road shops
  • wheelchair accessible tarmac paths throughout the park


Mayer Park

Church Road



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