Dawstone Park

Dawstone Park in Wirral

Opening hours

The park is open 24 hours. There are no formal car parks or toilets - car parking being restricted to local roads adjacent to access points.

Things to do

  • accessing nature
  • walking
  • dog walking
  • children's play area

Reasons to visit

Dawstone Park is situated on the westerly slopes of the Wirral Peninsula overlooking the Dee Estuary. The park is a well-appointed park with flower beds and children’s play area with views of the Dee Estuary and the Welsh Hills.


  • picnic tables
  • seats
  • children’s play area
  • flower beds
  • well surfaced paths
  • litter bins
  • information cabinet
  • notice boards
  • sloping south facing topography
  • views of Dee Estuary and Welsh Hills
  • War Memorial (sits just outside the park and is managed by Wirral Council’s Business Services, asset surveyor, war memorials)


The Friends of Dawstone Park work alongside the council to develop and maintain the gardens.

Accessibility for people with disabilities

Due to the sloping nature and steep gradients of the park wheelchair access is challenging. However, the well surfaced paths and the plentiful seating do make the park ideal for elderly visitors or visitors with mobility issues.


Dawstone Road



CH60 0DS

View on a map

Management plan