Carers can get advice, help or support with their social care needs from Adult Social Services.
If you are over 18 and providing unpaid care for someone to help them live at home, you have a right to a carers assessment. You could be providing care to a family member, relative or friend.
First you will need to do a carers assessment, which will look at your own needs. The needs of the person you care for can be assessed separately.
You could be entitled to a carers assessment even if the person you care for does not want an assessment or is not eligible for support.
What is a carers assessment?
A carers assessment is designed to help you to:
- identify your support needs as a carer
- guide you to a list of independent support providers who may be able to meet those needs
It also looks at:
- your willingness and ability to continue to provide care
- your own health and wellbeing
- the impact caring has on your own life
- whether you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to
- the impact caring has on remaining in or wanting to access, work, training and education or leisure services
- maintaining relationships with family and friends
- other family commitments
Who can do a carers assessment?
A person can do this for themselves or on behalf of someone they know. It could also be done by a professional like someone from a voluntary organisation, a care worker or a doctor.
If you're completing this form for someone else, we will contact them in the first instance unless it is not appropriate to do so.
Complete a carers assessment
Complete an online carers assessment
Open a saved carers assessment form
Carers' eligibility for support
Due to a recent change in the law (Care Act 2014), there are now national eligibility criteria to determine whether you qualify to receive support. To be assessed for support, you need to show that:
- Your needs arise from a deterioration in your physical or mental health, and;
- The issues you face have a significant impact on your wellbeing, and;
- You are providing necessary care to an adult, and as a result are unable to achieve one or more of the following activities:
- carrying out caring responsibilities for a child
- providing care for other people
- maintaining a habitable home environment
- managing and maintaining nutrition
- developing or maintaining family or other significant personal relationships
- accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering
- making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community, including recreational facilities or services
- engaging in recreational activities
Contact us
If you're unsure of eligibility for support, or would like a carers assessment you can do this online or contact our Central Advice and Duty Team:
- Tel: 0151 606 2006, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- Email:
For further support and information, please contact Wired Carers Services Carers Helpline:
- Tel: 0151 670 0777
- Email: