You might not recognise yourself as a carer, but if you are providing care and support to a family member, relative or friend without being paid to provide that care - then you are a carer.
Support for carers
Most Carers need some time off. Having a break from caring will help you maintain your own health and wellbeing, have time for a social life or do something that you value that’s important to you.
The person you care for may benefit from a break from the regular routine too. There may be family or friends that would be prepared to take over your caring responsibilities to enable you to take a break – so don’t be afraid to ask those around you to support you in your caring role.
Most support services are provided by independent, voluntary or third sector providers who receive funding from the council or the Clinical Commissioning Group.
Some of these free services can be accessed directly without the need for a social services assessment. However, access to some other services requires an assessment to see if you are eligible for support.
Where a Young Carer is likely to have needs upon reaching the age of 18 – thus moving from Children's Services to Adult Services - they are also entitled to a Carers Assessment.
The types of support that require an assessment include:
- residential short breaks (respite)
- care in the home
- day care
We aim to help with your caring responsibilities so you can maintain some independence and balance in your own life. This support could be:
- information and advice about support that is available
- a referral to carer support services in the community
- a personal budget or grant to help meet some of your own needs
If the person you care for is eligible for support and they agree to receive it, the following services could be offered:
- help in the home for the person you care for
- a centre or activity for the person you care for to go to during the day
- short breaks for the person you care for away from the home
- a personal budget to buy services for the person you care for
Online resources for carers
Wirral Council has joined up with Carers UK to provide, free of charge, a package of support including:
- Jointly – a care co-ordination app for your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC
- About Me – building resilience for caring e-learning
- information about support and your rights for you as a Carer
Find out more on the Digital Resources for Carers website
When you register for the website use the Free access code DGTL2844. This video tells you more about how Jointly can help you co-ordinate your care.
Partners in Wirral such as the NHS, the council and voluntary organisations have created a joint strategy for carers. The PDF file below may not be suitable to view for people with disabilities, users of assistive technology or mobile phone devices.
Further information for carers
Wired Carers Helpline (local), tel: 0151 670 0777
Carers Direct Helpline (national), tel: 0300 123 1053
Free entrance to Wirral Council Leisure Centres for carers with the person they care for
Cinema Exhibitors Card (CEA card) – free access to a cinema for the carer if accompanying the person they care for, who is in receipt of certain benefits. Tel: 0845 123 1292
Support from the Merseyside Society for Deaf People via text or WhatsApp: 07394 454038