Wirral Youth Justice Service

Wirral Youth Justice Service provides a service for young people aged 10 to 17 who have been involved in offending behaviour. It is a multi-agency service, made up of social workers, youth justice workers and staff from education, police, probation and health.

The youth justice role supervise young people who have been referred by the police for out of court disposal and those sentenced by the Court. Assessments of need, risk, safety and wellbeing are undertaken and appropriate interventions designed and delivered. These include offence-focused work, reparation, support for education, training and employment, mentoring service, substance misuse work and health-related support (school nurse and CAMHS).

Parents and carers can be offered support through the parenting service. Victims of youth crime are consulted, and we will arrange for reparation and other forms of restorative practice (if appropriate) to be carried out to include the victims wishes.

We also provide an Out of Court Disposal (OOCD) service for young people who have been arrested for less serious offences, admitted their guilt and it is agreed that diversion from the CJS is a more appropriate option.

This work includes: victim information, assessments of need, risk, safety and wellbeing are undertaken, and appropriate interventions designed and delivered. These include offence-focused work, reparation, support for education, training and employment, substance misuse work and health-related support (Criminal Justice Liaison Diversion and CAMHS) and restorative practice (if appropriate) to be carried out to include the victims wishes.

Wirral Youth Justice Service Prevention Work

Prevention Service

Prevention work is completed on a voluntary basis with young people aged 10 to 18 years who are involved in or at risk of involvement in anti-social or offending behaviour.

Referrals for the YPS can be made on the basis of addressing areas of concerns such as: behavioural problems at home, in school or in the community.

The YPS work is delivered on a one to one or group work basis. It engages with young people and their families using restorative practices to address risk and vulnerability issues to prevent offending and anti-social behaviour. It enables young people to make appropriate lifestyle choices and increase their own safety and wellbeing alongside support from YPS and other agencies if required. Young people can also access, as part of  YPS, our own mentoring service.

YPS interventions can include sessions on actions and consequences, anger management, peer pressure and self-esteem. Interventions are personalised using a holistic assessment that informs the needs-led support programme for each young person. YPS interventions have a planned intervention timescale of up to 12 weeks once each young person and there family have committed to engaging to the programme. Intervention includes signposting to universal services or service partners during the YPS intervention or as part of each young person exit plan as required.

The YPS programme can also provide limited diversionary activity interventions during evenings and school holidays linked to improvements in behaviour and as a complement to any 1-1 or group work complete whist engaging on with the prevention service.

Who is eligible and how can I make a referral to Prevention Services?

In order to be eligible for support young people must present with a combination the following issues:

  1. young person is involved in anti-social behaviour and at risk of offending
  2. behavioural problems at home, school and in the community
  3. issues at school – educational, behavioural, attendance etc. Are they at risk of fixed term or permanent exclusion?
  4. there are concerns regarding substance misuse, mental health, sexual health or teenage pregnancy risks
  5. there are concerns around family relationships or family breakdown
  6. any other risks or vulnerabilities

How to report a concern

If you are a professional please use the online form to report any concerns about a child or young person, regarding anti-social behaviour or offending.

Before you complete the form you will need to register for an online account. This will enable you to save a form and come back to it later. It will also ensure that the information you provide is kept secure.

Report a concern

What happens after you report a concern?

Your report will be viewed by a social worker, Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm (excluding bank holidays) and responded to within 24 hours. You will be notified of the outcome in writing within five working days.

Should you have any immediate safeguarding concerns, please contact the Integrated Front Door immediately on 0151 606 2008 or if out of office hours on 0151 677 6557.

More information about the reporting process can be found on the Wirral Safeguarding Board website.

Volunteer opportunities at the Youth Justice Service

Mentoring is a service offered to young people throughout the Youth Justice Service. A young person is matched with a volunteer mentor, who will act as positive role model and can offer support and guidance to the young person to focus on making positive steps away from offending.

Who is eligible and how can I make a referral for the Mentor Service?

The young person’s case manager will carry out a detailed assessment of their needs and may decide that a Mentor will be beneficial. It is a voluntary relationship for both the Mentor and Mentee. It is not part of a court order.

How can someone apply to be a volunteer?

New intakes of volunteers are regularly required by the service. Mentors are trained for five days and expected to volunteer with us for a reasonable amount of time to use their training accordingly.

Please contact Carl Loughlin, Volunteer Coordinator, to register your interest: carlloughlin2@wirral.gov.uk

Youth Justice Management Board

Wirral Youth Justice Service has in place a strategic Board chaired by Elizabeth Hartley Assistant Director for Early Help and Prevention, Children’s Services.

The board is made up of statutory partners and co-opted members representing organisations or agencies with an interest in supporting the work of the Youth Justice Service.

Responsibilities and Role of the Wirral Youth Justice Management Board (WYJMB):

  • to provide leadership and oversight of youth justice services
  • to contribute to local multi-agency strategies and work with local and national criminal justice organisations
  • to safeguard children and young people who receive youth justice services

To fulfil these responsibilities, the WYJMB will:

  • determine how the Youth Justice Service (sometimes referred to as the YOT) is to be composed and funded, how it is to operate and what functions it is to carry out
  • oversee the formulation each year of a Youth Justice Strategic Plan (The Annual Plan)
  • oversee the appointment or designation of a Youth Justice Service Manager
  • as part of the Youth Justice Strategic Plan, agree measurable objectives linked to Key Performance Indicators, including the National Standards for Youth Justice

Contact email for more information kathygill@wirral.gov.uk

Youth Justice Service privacy notice