Cemeteries Rules and Regulations

Notice of Interment

4.0 Notice of Interment

4.1 At least 48 hours’ previous notice (Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays) must be given for interments in private graves.

4.2 Notice of interment with full particulars of the deceased person and all other information required must be given on the prescribed form.

4.3 Any orders or instructions given by telephone will be received at the sole risk of the person giving such orders or instructions and the Registrar will not be responsible for any misunderstanding which may arise with regard to telephone orders or instructions unless immediately confirmed in writing.

5.0 Selection of Grave Spaces

5.1 The selection of any grave space is subject to the approval of the Registrar but the wishes of the purchaser will be taken into consideration as far as is practicable.

6.0 Use of Chapel

6.1 When it is intended to hold a Burial Service in a Cemetery Chapel the Registrar must be informed when Notice of Interment is given.

7.0 Appointment of Minister of Religion

7.1 The person arranging the funeral is responsible for notifying a minister of religion to attend. In certain cases the Registrar may make arrangements on his/her behalf. Notice of arrangements must be given when the Notice of Interment is given.

8.0 Public Graves

8.1 The charge for interment in a Public Grave does not include any right or privilege other than a right of burial in a grave selected by the Council.

8.2 The Council shall reserve all surface rights over public graves.

9.0 Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial

9.1 The period of exclusive right of burial will be 99 years from the date on the title deed.

On the purchase of the exclusive right of burial in a grave a Deed of Grant will be issued by the Council to the person by whom the said exclusive right of burial is purchased and such person will be registered in the Council’s records as the owner of the same. Whenever an interment takes place in the grave the Deed of Grant should be produced to the Registrar for endorsement with the date of such interment and the name of the person interred.

The exclusive right of burial does not include any right or privilege other than the right of burial in the purchased grave.

10.0 Transfer of Grave

10.1 No transfer of the exclusive right of burial will be valid unless such transfer has been registered by the Council.

11.0 Depth of Private Graves

11.1 Each grave will normally be excavated to a depth sufficient for three (3) interments unless other arrangements are made with the Council at the time of purchase.

11.2 At Irby/Heswall Cemetery graves will only be excavated to a depth sufficient for two (2) interments.