The Licensing Act 2003 requires a Licensing Authority to prepare and publish a Statement of Licensing Policy and to review its policy every five years.
The Licensing Authority is now reviewing the 2019 Statement of Licensing Policy which has been amended and is now subject to consultation until 27 September 2024.
View the draft Statement of Licencing Policy (PDF, 3MB)
Draft Statement of Licensing Policy
The Licensing Authority welcomes the views of any interested parties and you are encouraged to draw the attention of this document to others who may be interested in responding to the consultation.
Full consultation on this document is being undertaken with:
- The Chief Officer of Police
- The Fire Authority
- bodies representing local holders of premises licences
- bodies representing local holders of club certificates
- bodies representing local holders of personal licences
- bodies representing businesses and residents
- other interested parties
The Licensing Authority is also reviewing the Cumulative Impact Assessment within the Statement of Licensing Policy. The Cumulative Impact Assessment was adopted following concerns raised by Merseyside Police relating to the level of alcohol related crime and disorder within Birkenhead Town Centre particularly linked to street drinking. The area of concern includes Charing Cross, Grange Road West, Grange Mount, Oxton Road and the boundary of the Town Centre and is highlighted in Appendix C of the draft Statement of Licensing Policy.
In consideration of whether to maintain a Cumulative Impact Assessment within the Statement of Licensing Policy, the Licensing Authority will consider whether there is evidence that crime and disorder or public nuisance are being caused by customers of licensed premises or whether there are alcohol related activities which pose a threat to public safety or the protection of children from harm within the designated area. You are therefore invited to provide your views along with any evidence regarding whether or not the Licensing Authority should continue to include a Cumulative Impact Assessment within the Statement of Licensing Policy.
If you have any comments to make please send them to the Licensing Authority by email: or by post to the following address:
Licensing Authority
PO Box 290
Brighton Street
CH27 9FQ
The Licensing Authority wishes to thank you for taking the time to consider this document. Your views are important to the Licensing Authority in reaching a fair and proportionate Licensing Policy that discharges the Licensing Objectives.
The consultation ends on Friday 27 September 2024.
If you have any further enquiries about the Statement of Licensing Policy please email the Licensing Authority: